My boss was so nice and gave me a gift certificate for a Discovery Flight at the AV center. One person gets to fly the plane and the other sits in the back. I wanted to let Brett do it because I knew it would be something that he would love. I was a little bummed at first that I wouldn't get to, but now that I've done it I'm glad Brett did it. I didn't understand how much control they would give you and that would totally freak me out. Brett loved it! He basically did everything but land the plane and adjusting the controls. Our pilot was so nice and made it a really fun experience. I would highly highly recommend doing it!

Brett decided to fly from the co-pilot seat which I was totally ok with, but they will let you fly from the pilot seat. So crazy for someone that has never done it before they assured me it was safe.

Brett turning us around. Boy when your in a little plane basically sitting in the tail a small turn feels like your about to flip over.

My little tiny seat in the back

American Falls Reservoir. I couldn't believe how full the reservoir is the water extended way beyond the large body of water. It looked like a tropical marsh.

I have flown in big planes a lot but never get to see this perspective. I won't lie I was a little scared of landing in this tiny plane. When your approaching the strip it seems like you are going so fast but the pilot gave us a smooth landing.
It was such a blast I can't wait to do it again. Now Brett is bugging me about getting his pilot license like we have a need for it or something. I think we will stick to discovery flights for now.
hahaha this makes me laugh because sam thinks the exact same thing! we did this a few years ago and he has talked about getting his pilot's license ever since! american falls looked BEAUTIFUL! i never thought i could look that amazing!